How to Build an Emergency Baby Car Kit in 3 Easy Steps

It’s crazy how often this comes in handy. Trust me, you need to do this.

Build Your Emergency Baby Car Kit in 3 Easy Steps -

Have you ever been out running errands, when baby feels the urge to empty his tummy of everything he’s ever eaten?

Suddenly you find yourself in the bathroom, searching your bag for something to mop up your baby, yourself, your diaper bag, and the old lady he unloaded on at the grocery store.

At the bottom of the diaper bag, you uncover, like an enthusiastic gold miner, an old yellowing onesie.  Who cares that’s it’s size 3-6 and he’s 18 months!


Many times I’ve found myself wishing I had something that was sitting on the kitchen counter at home.  Forgotten.

We need a back-up plan, ladies.

4 Reasons Why You Need an Emergency Baby Car Kit

Reason #1:  Mommy Brain

A million things going on in your brain + very little sleep = a whole lot of forgetfulness!

It’s not uncommon for me to walk out the door to go somewhere only to walk back in because I forgot to pick up my car keys. Or my purse. Or the baby! (Just kidding. Kind of…)

Having extra goods on hand in the car helps make up for all the times I forget something at home.

Reason #2: Oops! I Ran Out!

I thought I had a full supply of wipes on hand, but it turns out there was just one wipe left in the case and that won’t cut when changing a dirty diaper! I need back-up here!

Reason #3: Baby Blow-Out

I’m talking about the kind of explosion that makes its way out of the diaper and onto clothes, blankets, bodies etc. You definitely need a change of clothes for the baby and possibly for you too.

Reason #4: Lost/Damaged/Dirty Goods

That pacifier that rolled down the restaurant floor? You might want a clean one to stick in the baby’s mouth! Or the last diaper in your bag that you’re trying to use when suddenly the baby pees all over it before you can get it on properly? Good thing you have more diapers in the car!

So, let’s get started DIYing this simple car kit. It’s so simple you can build it in 3 easy steps.

DIY Baby Car Kit Step #1:
Pick Your Storage Solution

Car kits can come in all shapes and sizes. You need to determine what type of container you want to use based on how much you need to hold and how it will fit in your car. Here are a few examples:

Baby Car Kit Storage Idea #1: Plastic Totes

A clear plastic tote is a great container to use because you can tell, at a glance, what’s inside. It’s also super easy to wipe down and keep clean. It also keeps everything contained, with a tight-fitting lid, when it gets rocked around in the back of the car. 

Baby Car Kit Storage Idea #2: Fabric Storage Bins

Fabric storage bins not only look adorable, coming in many coordinating colors, but they can be wedged into a small space, everything sitting tight and ready for a quick grab on the floor. 

Baby Car Kit Storage Idea #3: Decorative Organizer

The decorative organizer will be your largest storage option. It works best being kept in the trunk or back section of the car. It’s a perfect option for holding a lot of stuff (in case you’re an over-packer), including large items. It has storage inside and outside of the container, which is handy.

Baby Car Kit Storage Idea #4: Seat Organizer

An organizer for the front seat backs will keep all items off the floor or seat of your car. It’s a great solution for tight spaces in particular. This organizer works well with travel size items and just the basic necessities. Bonus: it can easily transition to hold toys and snacks for toddlers and kids as your baby gets older.

DIY Baby Car Kit Step #2:
Shop Your House

Once you have your container, you need to gather all the items you want to place in the container! A little shopping might be necessary for this, but I bet you’ll already have most of the items on hand.

Must-Have Items for Your Baby Car Kit

Smart-Idea Items for Your Baby Car Kit

These are items that may be really helpful to have, but they aren’t as vital as the list above.

DIY Baby Car Kit Step Step #3:
Assemble & Go

This is the easy part. 😉 Just stick everything inside your container, stick it in the car, and you’re good to go!

Just don’t forget to replace items as you use them, otherwise you’ll have an empty Emergency kit – not a pleasant discovery when you’re sitting the Target parking lot.

I usually clean out and restock my kit twice a year – summer and winter. That way I can make sure I have appropriate baby clothes for the season and the right sized diapers.

Need an Example?
Peek at My Baby Car Kit

For my fellow visual learner, I thought it would be helpful to show the Emergency Baby Car Kit I put together.

I chose a square, open bin. It fits well on the seat or floor of the car (or sometimes I move it to the very back of the car). It holds everything I need without being too bulky.

Speaking of everything I need, here’s what I included…

Example of an Emergency Baby Car Kit -

1.  Blanket & Wet Bag for Dirty Clothes or Diapers | 2. Changing Pad Clutch with Diapers | 3. Hand Wipes | 4. Baby Wipes | 5. Bottle of Water | 6. Baby Bottle with 4 oz of Formula | 7. First Aid Kit | 8. Kleenex | 9. Change of Clothes and a Bib | 10. Infant Tylenol | 11. Baby Shampoo, Lotion, Diaper Rash Cream, Washcloth, and Pacifier

Keeping a bottle and some formula on hand is a good idea (even for nursing moms!). PopYum makes a fantastic bottle design that lets you put the formula in the top, then just squeeze and mix into the water.

Not only will you have a small back-up supply in case you run out, but someone else could feed your baby if a scary emergency (aka car accident) prevents you from being there to feed/nurse your baby. #safetyfirst

Goat milk formula tastes a LOT like breastmilk and has a lot of wonderful health benefits for your baby (helps with constipation, eczema, etc.). Why not take advantage of their free formula sample offer and use that as your emergency formula for the car?

Start Packing!

Now that I’ve shown you how easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy it is to DIY your own baby car kit, it’s your turn to make it happen!

Don’t be left crying in the Target bathroom because your baby had a blow-out and you don’t have a change of clothes and it’s -20 degrees outside, so going naked isn’t an option!

Take just a few minutes of time to create an emergency baby car kit, and you can drive easy knowing that no matter where you go, you’re prepared for anything your baby throws your way!

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