If you have a question about this website, or babies, or life, or the Packer’s schedule, or how to sew, please use the form below to cyberzoom me and the other ladies a message! Either myself or my wonderful sister Jenny will respond with an answer as quickly as possible.
Jenny is my right-hand-gal who keeps me from staying up too late answering email and being cranky grouchy emotionally unstable ungracious with my children the next day. She and I are two peas in a pod (you can pity our brother).
Fill out the form below and she or I will get back to you within 48 hours. Thank you!
If you are a business wanting to discuss possible partnership opportunities with us, start here and request our media kit!
That amazing piece of art was created by John Baldessari and is entitled “Beethoven’s Trumpet (With Ear)”. See it at the Marian Goodman Gallery in New York City. (Without the whispering woman.)