Baby on the Move? Here’s How To Keep Them Safe

When you have a baby, safety should always be your top priority. Babies are incredibly active, so keeping them safe while they explore their world can be challenging. Here, we’ll discuss some easy ways to help keep your baby safe and sound as they start taking on the world around them.
We’ll cover everything from baby-proofing your home to properly fitting your baby’s car seat and choosing the right stroller. You’ll also find some tips for keeping your baby safe while out and about, such as how to dress them for the weather and what to do in the event of an emergency. Finally, we’ll discuss baby-proofing your phone and computer. With our helpful tips, you’ll be well-equipped with the knowledge you need to keep your baby safe as they continue to grow and learn.
Preparing a Safe Home for Baby
Crawling and Moving
As soon as babies start to crawl, toddle or scoot around, it’s time to start looking for any potential risks in the home. Make sure any staircases, decks, or balconies are securely blocked off with a baby gate for stairs to prevent your little ones from taking an accident-prone tumble.
Looking for Safety Hazards
Check each room in the home for any hazards that may pose a risk to your baby.
In the kitchen, make sure all appliances are securely shut and all sharp objects are out of reach. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, make sure any medicine, cleaning supplies, and toiletries are locked away in cabinets that cannot be easily accessed by a curious crawler.
For the living room, remove any small objects that could be choking hazards. Lastly, when it comes to the bedroom, make sure any bedding is free of dangerous strings or long ribbons that could become wrapped around a baby’s neck and restrict breathing.
Installing Guards
Once you have looked through each room in the house and identified any potential hazards, you can start installing guards and covers on furniture corners, outlets, and doorways to keep kids safe within your home. You can also purchase guards designed specifically for staircases and balconies to ensure that they are securely blocked off from curious crawlers at all times.
Baby Proofing Toys and Accessories
Checking Toys for Safety
Before allowing your child to play with toys and accessories, it’s important to check them for age-appropriate safety standards provided by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). Older toys may not meet these newer safety standards and could present a risk of injury or choking hazards for younger children, so it’s essential to check labels before allowing playtime fun.
Creating an Age-appropriate Play Area
If possible, create an age-appropriate play area in your home where kids can enjoy toys without additional supervision from mom or dad. This will help keep toys organized while also providing easy access to safe items that have been approved by the ASTM guidelines.
Securing Furniture and Appliances
Securing Heavy Furniture
It is important to secure heavy furniture pieces like dressers, entertainment centers, or bookshelves to prevent them from tipping over on curious crawlers who might try using them as ladders. Make sure all items are securely fastened down using brackets or anchors from furniture straps. This not only helps prevent injuries but also protects furniture from damage caused by energetic kids.
Securing Appliances
Make sure all appliances like stoves, microwaves, refrigerators, or washing machines are securely fastened with locks, as well as installed with covers where applicable. This will help prevent accidental burns or electrocution if kids decide to test their newfound freedom by reaching into these areas.
Selecting Baby Gear
Whether you’re picking out a car seat, stroller, high chair, or crib, it’s essential that you select items that have been certified as meeting safety guidelines set forth by the ASTM. Items should be labeled with the latest safety information available as well as fit properly within the size and weight restrictions recommended by manufacturers for each item type.
Car Seats
Make your car seat is properly installed using the manufacturer’s directions and approved locking clips supplied with each seat type purchased from accredited retailers. Check the labels on car seats regularly for expiration dates, which will vary depending on the manufacturer’s specifications.
Look for strollers that provide good support for the baby’s back so their posture does not suffer during rides outside of the home. Again, check labels regularly for expiration dates and other pertinent information provided by manufacturers, such as weight limits.
High Chairs
When choosing high chairs, look for models equipped with adjustable straps designed to provide extra secure seating in which babies can eat meals safely. Additionally, select chairs that feature adjustable footrests so feet remain secure while eating or playing with toys around mealtime.
When looking for a crib, aim for one equipped with adjustable mattress heights. This way, you can adjust the height once your baby starts standing up inside their crib. Also, select models featuring secure spacing between slats to prevent your baby’s head from becoming stuck between the openings.
Look for drop side rails as well — preferably those which automatically lock when released. These make it easier to get into/out of beds without having to climb over the sides.
At the end of the day, keeping your baby safe is a priority for any parent. With the right precautions and an appropriate level of adult supervision, you can ensure that your little one is safe, no matter where their curious nature takes them. By baby-proofing your home, investing in the proper car seats, staying responsive to your baby’s cues, and implementing other safety measures, you can provide your little one with the best environment for them to explore and grow.
Don’t forget to take a few moments each day to enjoy all the special moments that come with being a parent — you don’t want to miss watching your baby reach new milestones, exploring the world around them, and experiencing the pure joy that comes with it. With a watchful eye and a little bit of preparation, you can keep your little one safe and sound as they embark on their exciting journey of childhood!