The Sleepover Essential Every Kid Needs

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A sleepover is a rite of passage for many kids. It’s a chance to spend the night away from home with friends, stay up late, and have lots of fun. A sleepover can also be a bit of a disaster if you’re not prepared. No parent wants to send their kid to a friend’s house without all of the right items. Here are the sleepover essentials every kid needs to make sure their sleepover is a success.
- A comfortable place to sleep: A good night’s sleep is essential for a successful sleepover. Make sure your child has a comfortable kids sleeping bag or an air mattress. You can find sleeping bags with their favorite colors or characters on them for a special treat.
- Pillows and blankets: Pillows and blankets are a must for any sleepover. They’ll make your child more comfortable, and they’re great for sleepover activities like building forts and pillow fights.
- Pajamas: Pajamas are essential for any sleepover. They’ll help your child feel more comfortable and relaxed, and they’ll also keep them warm during the night. Make sure to choose a pair that your child is comfortable in, so they can fall asleep soundly at night.
- Snacks and drinks: Make sure your child has plenty of snacks and drinks on hand so they can stay fueled for all the fun. Sometimes it’s hard to know what other households might have on hand, so it’s better to send them off with their favorite food things before they go.
- Speaking of favorite things, if they have a special toy or stuffed animal they like to sleep with, it may be wise to wrap it in their sleeping bag so they don’t have to miss it throughout the night.
- Games and activities: Finally, any games, movies, and activities that your child can bring to stay entertained is a great way for them to stay occupied during the night. Consider choosing quiet activities so your child doesn’t disturb everyone else.
- Set a bedtime: A good night’s sleep is essential for a successful sleepover, so make sure your child knows how important it is to get to bed at a reasonable time. Depending on their age, they should aim for around 10 hours of sleep.
- Write down your contact information and give them a way to get in touch with you in case of an emergency. This can help too in case they want to leave the sleepover early and you need to pick them up. Consider also giving this information to the parent in charge, so they can contact you if needed.
- Make sure they have a change of clothes for the morning and all of their toiletries, plus a towel in case they want to wash up. There’s nothing worse than forgetting your toothbrush on your first night away from home.
- Get up early: Make sure you get up early in the morning after the sleepover. You should be ready to pick up your child at the prearranged time, but it’s always a good idea to be ready early in case your child wants to come home. You can also take some time to arrange a snack for them in case they are still hungry when they get home.
Sleepovers can be a fun night for your child to remember for years to come. Making sure they have all the essentials will solidify their love for these special events. In the morning, they can tell you all about their time with their friends. After all, the most essential part of any sleepover is having fun.