4 Tips for Surviving Your Baby’s 18-Month Sleep Regression

The 18-month sleep regression is a common and often difficult time for parents of babies. It can be both physically and emotionally draining as your little one suddenly refuses to sleep, or wakes up frequently during the night. But don’t worry; you’re not alone.
In this post, we’ll share four tips to help you navigate the 18-month sleep regression. We’ve compiled advice from some of the leading sleep experts in the country to offer you the best advice possible. From developing a warm, comfortable bedtime routine to avoiding stimulating activities just before bed, you’ll be sure to find something that works for you and your little one.
What Is Sleep Regression
The 18-month sleep regression is a period of time when a baby has difficulty sleeping due to a combination of biological and developmental changes. During this time, babies may wake up numerous times during the night, resist going to bed, and/or wake up too early in the morning. This sleep regression typically lasts six to nine weeks but can last up to 12 weeks in some cases.
Common signs and symptoms of the 18-month sleep regression include trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently throughout the night, resisting bedtime, waking up too early in the morning, increased night terrors or nightmares, and increased fussiness during the day.
How To Prepare for Your Baby’s 18-Month Sleep Regression
Identify Your Baby’s Sleep Patterns
The first step in preparing for your baby’s 18-month sleep regression is to identify your baby’s existing sleep pattern. This will help you anticipate when the sleep regression could occur and be better prepared for it. Observe your baby’s sleep routine for a week or two before the expected start date and make a note of their usual bedtime, naps, waking up times, etc.
Create a Sleep Schedule That Works for You
Once you have identified your baby’s existing sleep pattern, start creating a new schedule that works for you as a family. Try to stick to set bedtimes every night while also allowing flexibility when needed. Aim to establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes dinner, bathtime, storytime, calming songs or sounds, cuddles, etc.
Start Adjusting Bedtime Routine Early
It is important to start adjusting your child’s bedtime routine a few weeks before you expect the 18-month sleep regression to begin. Begin gradually pushing back bedtimes by 15 minutes each night so that your child slowly adjusts to the new schedule without being overwhelmed by drastic changes all at once.
Ways To Help Your Baby Regain Healthy Habits
Make Comfort a Priority
Make sure that your baby is as comfortable as possible throughout this process – from their sleeping environment to their mattress and even their pillows if they are old enough to use one. Pay attention to what type of pillow your sleeper needs – from toddler pillows made with natural materials such as wool or latex foam, like a back sleeper pillow, or down-alternative pillows designed specifically for growing kids or teenagers. Make sure you find something that suits your little one’s sleeping needs best.
Stick to the Bedtime Routine
It can be difficult to be consistent during times of sleep regression, but it is essential for helping your baby gain healthy sleeping habits once again. Try not to deviate from their established bedtime routine as much as possible and avoid activities that may be too stimulating close to bedtime – including screens!
Stay Positive and Consistent
Most importantly – stay positive! It may feel never-ending, but remind yourself that this is only temporary. Be consistent with your expectations about going to sleep each night, even if it is hard, and reassure your little one every step of the way.
Strategies for Improving Your Baby’s Sleep
Create a Bedtime Schedule
Create a regular schedule around bedtime, including a set wake-up time each day, and stick with it as much as possible. Having structure around when they should go to bed and when they should wake up will help them become more accustomed to this new pattern once they adjust.
Utilize Naps
If your baby isn’t used to taking frequent naps, then consider introducing them into their schedule during this period so that they don’t become overtired throughout the day. Overtiredness can lead to more difficulty falling asleep, which will only prolong this period of sleep regression, so make sure your baby is getting those naps.
Utilizing Sleeping Aids
Consider investing in some sleeping aids if you haven’t already. Blackout curtains are great for keeping bedrooms darker during daytime naps or early morning awakenings, as well as purchasing a back sleeper pillow like ones made with natural materials such as wool or latex foam. These pillows can help improve posture in toddlers and prevent neck pain from developing at an early age.
Navigating the 18-month sleep regression can be a difficult and trying time for parents, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips in this article, you can set yourself up for success in helping your baby through this period of growth and change. Make sure to create a comfortable sleeping environment, develop a consistent bedtime routine, and stay positive and consistent throughout the process. With some patience and these tips in your back pocket, you and your little one can survive the 18-month sleep regression and emerge as happy and well-rested parents!